Progress Interview Questions:
1. Which version of progress you have worked on ? diff and Features2. How you are monitoring your database?
3. Have u installed progress? What all the pre and post activities of installation.
4. Different types of dump & load.. what is the difference.
5. How u decide about extent addition? What will happen to a variable extent if you try to add a new fixed extent?
6. What is the advantage and disadvantage of BI growth.
7.How to identify if blank user id is disabled in a server.
8. If you want to execute a program in a db, how to execute that without opening progress session.
9. I have a db in linux, I want to move that to solaris. How to achieve that.
10. What is the difference between synchronous and asynchronous replication.
11. My db is having ai enabled, and OS backup is happening every 3 hours.
If my db got corrupted, and if I need to restore the db from last backup, how to identify which AI I need to apply?
12. Do I need to apply from the 1st AI onwards?
13. Whats is the latest version of Progress or Diff b/w 10 and 11 version?
14. diff b/w typeI anad typeII storage
15. use of lk file in a database, if someone deteled then what will happen?
16. bi file deleted, how to recover ?
17. .d file deleted, how to recover db?
18. .db file deleted, then what will happen?
19. Different ways to create db?
20. database block size? can we give 16K block size ?
21. st file deleted then how you will recover?
22. Maximum size of the primary recovery (BI) area?
23. OpenEdge database name limits (How many Max character's)
24. How to start Secondary broker and multiple broker's in a database
25. Different commands to start a database
26. Different writers in a database, why they needed?
27. How to remove shared memory segment?
28. How to backup and restore database, what is VP and VF parameter?
29. How you will check datbase status, its running or not?
30. aistall and bistall parameter?
31. Use of bigrow?
34.Different AI AIMAGE STATUS?
35. Difference between Aiarchiver END or Aiarchiver disable ?
36. Use of Schema Mover?
37. What is Transparent Data Encryption?
38. Different types of dump and load methods?
39. How to implement auditing?
40. Use of prolog?
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