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Mongo database is an open source , high performing , schema - free, non relational and document oriented database which provides highest level of availability for its applications.
Its basically written in C,C++ and java script and supports all major programming languages like C#,C++,java,python,PHP,perl,ruby etc.

The data model heirarchy for a mongo database can be defined as below:

          A Mongo system holds a set of Databases.A database holds a set of  Collections(tables).A collection holds a set of Documents(rows).A document holds a set of fields.A field is a Key-Value pair.A Key is a name(string).A Value is a basic type like string, integer, float, timestamp, binary or document, or an array of values(eg: Datatype in  SQL Server).
Below picture will give a better idea of the data model:

As compared to a RDBMS model , the data heierarchy for mongo can be defined as below:

The main features of mongo database which makes it a high on demand database are:
* Expressive query language and secondary indexes
*Strong Consistency
*Scalability & Performance
*Always on, Global deployement
* Real time analysis in the database, under load
*Geospatail querying
