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Following are the steps to follow to setup web service in a progress environment:

1. First we would require a tomcat to deploy web service application, so copy or install apache tomcat for path say, (/usr/local/apache-tomcat-7.0.50).

2.   Copy /usr/dlc/servlets/wsa folder from progress installation path to  /usr/local/apache-tomcat-7.0.50/webapps

3. Edit the wsa entry in by mentioning correct ip/port for wsaUrl entry.

3.1 Edit to point to correct java paths JRE_HOME=/usr/jdk/jdk1.8.0_60/jre

1    3 .2   Edit /usr/local/apache-tomcat-7.0.50/webapps/wsa/WEB-INF/web.xml and comment

<security-constraint>  tag

4. Start the apache tomcat server by below command:
cd /usr/local/apache-tomcat-7.0.50

5.   Create a .wsm file for

 6. particular webservice required to be deployed .
Eg: /emc/reale/apps/pseudo/input/WebServiceConfig/WSCRMultiComment.wsm (

 7. Edit wsm file to mention the following entry as per the specific environment:
<SoapEndpointURL>http://{serverip}: {tomcat port}/wsa/wsa1</SoapEndpointURL>
<Service>{appserver name}</Service>
<AppserverURL>AppServerDC://{serverip}: {appserver port}</AppserverURL>

 8.Deploy the required webservice by using below command:

wsaman -name wsa1 -wsm /emc/reale/apps/pseudo/input/WebServiceConfig/WSCRMultiComment.wsm –deploy
 9. Enable the webservice using the below command:
wsaman -name wsa1 -enable -appname WSCRMultiComment
10.We can list the deployed services to check if our service is deployed and enabled by using the below command:
wsaman -name wsa1 -wsm /emc/reale/apps/pseudo/input/WebServiceConfig/WSCRMultiComment.wsm –list

11.     Check if the service url is working by accessing the below ip in browser:

http://{serverip}: {tomcat port}/wsa/wsa1                         [default tomcat port =8080]

  12.For the given example webservice testing can be done by using below soap url:
