Follow the below steps to configure MySQL Replication in the Linux servers :
1. For VM systems firewall has to be disabled to enable replication connections between the servers
cat /etc/selinux/config
set SELINUX = disabled
2. Check selinux status by using:
3. Stop and disable firewalld
systemctl stop firewalld
systemctl disable firewalld
4. Set hostname for the two VMs to identify uniquely
hostnamectl set-hostname db01
hostnamectl set-hostname db02
5. Edit hosts file to add ip and hostname
<ip> db01
<ip> db02
6. Follow the below steps on master and slave as below:
7. grant slave access to a new replication user
mysql -u root -p
prompt master>
grant replication slave on *.* to 'repadmin'@'%' identified by '!@#Ilg007';
flush privileges;
8. Ediy my.cnf file to add replication parameters on Master
vi /etc/my.cnf
#Replication Parameters
9. Restart mysqld server
systemctl stop mysqld
systemctl start mysqld
tail /var/log/mysqld.log
10. Dump database from master to copy to slave to provode initial sync
mysqldump -u root -p --databases publications > publications.sql
scp publications.sql db02:/root
11. ssh to second VM from first VM and set prompt as slave
ssh db02
prompt slave>
12. Edit my.cnf file to add replication parameters and restart mysqld server
vi /etc/my.cnf
#Replication parameters
systemctl stop mysqld
systemctl start mysqld
13. Restore th master database to slave after scp
slave>create database publications;
mysql -u root -p -D publications < publications.sql
14. Use the below query in mysql prompt setup replication parameters
change master to master_host='db01',
15. Start slave on MySQL prompt
start slave;
16. Check slave status to see of syncing has started on slave
show slave status;
17. Login to master and create a new table and add entries and check in slave if it is getting added through replication
Some other commands used are:
flush logs
show binlog events
show master status
show master logs
reset master
reset slave
The logs which are used for replication are called binary logs in master and relay logs on slave.
replication user account will pull up bin logs and write to slave relay logs for replication to take
place.Multiple binary files created one after another when size reaches.
When a statement is about to finish executing , it writes an entry to the end of the binary log and sends the statement parser a notification that it has completed statement.
Types of replication
Statement Based - (SBR) - whichever sql statements executed in master is executed in slave as well using bin logs
Row Based- where each row updated in master is copied to slave row by row
Mix - This is mixed type of replication which contains both statement based and row based replication.
Replication Topology
-Master to multiple replica-Master to Master in active active mode
-Master to Master with slaves
-Does not support multisource replication
-Ring Replication
-Master distribution master with replicas
Percona tool kit can be used for managing replication in MySQL servers.Some commands for percona tool are:
percona tool kit - pt-table-checksum
pt-table-checksum --replica-set
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